conferences and topics (2022)

Universidad de Granada
Universidad de Castilla La Mancha (Toledo)
Universidad de Zaragoza
“The Future of NATO: the 2022 Madrid Summit and the New Strategic Concept”, the last event of a cycle of debates within the contest Defensa y yo 2.0, which took place on 28th April at 16:00h, via Zoom Pro. It will count with the participation of the experts:
Paula Redondo Álvarez-Palencia, Responsible for the Public Diplomacy Division of its Program for Russia, and Central Asia at NATO.
Carlos González-Villa, Political Science professor.
Natividad Fernández Sola, Law Doctor, and professor.
Alberto Bueno, professor at University of Granada.
The debate was conducted in Spanish, and was moderated by Cristina Manzano, director of esglobal.
After the meeting, the participating students will be able to develop and present their projects individually following the instructions and according to the contest rules, and will opt to win a trip to Brussels. To be eligible for the prize, students must have participated in at least two of the debates of the cycle.