defensa y yo 2.0 (2022)

2022 Edition defensa y yo

Participants of the second edition used their Brussels visit to explore U.S.-Spain security cooperation through the lens of the recently concluded 2022 Madrid NATO Summit.  This immersive experience provided them with a unique platform to understand the results of the summit, enriched their understanding of international security dynamics, and fostered meaningful dialogue among participants.

Conferences and topics

Cybersecurity: from Risk to Resilience Governance 
Universidad de Salamanca, Universidad de Murcia,
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid)
Climate Change and Security: Addressing a Growing Global Threat
Universidad Carlos III (Madrid),
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Countering Russian Disinformation
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla)
NATO, Russia, China and the International Order 
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)
Universidad Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) (UPF)
Peace and security: the vision of women in the field 
Universidad del País Vasco (Bilbao) (UPV/EHU), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) and Universidad de Valencia (UV)
Global Security Challenges with U.S. Secretary of the Navy Carlos del Toro
Online Event

Contest winners

Joana Argemí Ribalta
Universidad de Barcelona / CEI International Affairs
Ian Arribas Miguel  
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid)
Marina Tovar i Velasco 
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Belén Guerrero Romero
Universidad Carlos III (Madrid)
Carlos Villegas 
Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla)
Megan Lutch Riveiro 
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela