What is Defensa y Yo 5.0?
“Defensa y Yo” is an initiative of the U.S. Embassy and Consulate General in Spain, implemented by Helsinki España, and with the support of Indra.
The goal of the program is to raise awareness among Spanish university students about issues relating to security and defense. Participants are equipped with conceptual frameworks that allow them to better understand the changing global threat landscape and think critically to develop innovative solutions.
The program consists of a series of interactive sessions at several Spanish public universities with guest speakers from the U.S. who are experts in various fields relating to security and defense. Students then have the opportunity to participate in an essay contest in which they propose novel solutions to the challenges presented.
The winners (one per university) are awarded a trip to Brussels to visit NATO Headquarters and the NATO Air Base in Geilenkirchen, Germany.
Conferences: November 2024-May 2025
Conferences are scheduled to take place at 16 Spanish public universities from November 2024 to May 2025.