defensa y yo 3.0 (2023)

2023 Edition defensa y yo

Participants in the third edition of the “Defensa y Yo” exchange program visited Brussels during Spain’s Presidency of the Council for the European Union and the visit focused on security and defense cooperation through NATO and in coordination with the EU as an institution.

Conferences and topics

Geopolitics of natural gas in the EU, the former Soviet bloc and Russia; energy policy and energy geopolitics
Universidad de Alicante
The present and future of transatlantic security: alliances and strategies
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
NATO, Russia, China, and the International Order - 2023
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
NATO-Ukraine association in face of Russian Invasion
Universidad de Barcelona
Security challenges associated with the erosion of democracy
Universidad de Castilla La Mancha (Toledo)
NATO's strategic scenarios: China, Russia and Greater Maghreb
Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Contest winners

Ghaftan Abdulrazzak 
Universidad de Alicante
Luay Akrari Bouyardane
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Ángel Riloba de Pablo
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Montserrat Fabregat López
Universidad de Barcelona
Carla Iglesias Hernández
Universidad de Castilla La Mancha (Toledo)
Mario Lorenzo Vargas
Universidad Complutense de Madrid