conferences and topics (2021)

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

This topic was analyzed in “NATO’s South Flank”, the seventh of a cycle of debates within the contest Defensa y yo, which took place on 13th April, 2021 at 16:30h, in a hybrid format (half face-to-face, half online), always in compliance with current health measures, and was conducted in English.

These were the members composing the panel of experts:

David García Cantalapiedra, Political Science and Sociology Doctor, and International Public Law and International Relations professor at University Complutense.

Raquel Barras Tejudo, International Relations and Security Doctor, associate professor at University Complutense and expert in Politics.

Mary Swartz, US Political and Military official at NATO.

After the meeting, the participating students from the University of Salamanca had three weeks to develop their projects individually following the instructions and according to the contest rules.

The winner of the contest was

Arantxa Collado García