conferences and topics (2021)

Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla)

This topic was analyzed in “Artificial Intelligence and Global Security”, the fifth of a cycle of sessions within the contest Defensa y yo, which took place on 24th February at 16:00h, via Zoom Pro, due to health conditions.

These were the members composing the panel of experts:

Manuel Torres Soriano, Political Science professor at the University Pablo Olavide.

Raquel Jorge, Fullbright Fellow at the George Washington University (Washington, DC). Emergent and disruptive technologies , its implications in global order, security and global politics.

Yvonne R. Masakowski, US Chair NATO HFM RTG 286 and Associate Professor at US Naval War College; Associate professor, College of Leadership & Ethics.

The debate was held in English and was introduced by Manuel Torres, professor at University Pablo Olavide, and moderated by Ana Mangas, editor in chief at esglobal. The meeting was carried out in Spanish with instant translation to English.

After the meeting, the participating students from the University of Salamanca had three weeks to develop their projects individually following the instructions and according to the contest rules.

The winner of the contest was

Lucía Iglesias Herrero