conferences and topics (2021)

Universidad Carlos III (Madrid)
The mutation experimented throughout the world in the last three decades is manifested in its greater form in the international peace and security fields. This can be observed in every perspective of analysis related to both fields: the very concepts of peace and security; the risks and threats endangering them; prevention and treatment of conflicts; the intense relation existing among development and human rights; and also, and as a consequence of all this, the essential paper that women can and should perform in conflict management and resolution.
These questions, along with some others related to the main topic, were analyzed in “Security, peace, women and conflict resolution”, the first of a cycle of debates within the contest Defensa y yo, which took place on 8th February at 11:00h, via Zoom Pro, due to health conditions.
These were the members composing the panel of experts:
María Fuentenebro, expert in peace construction and humanitarian aid.
Félix Vacas, D. in Law and International Public Law and International Relations professor in Carlos III University.
Megan Bastick, Gender and Security Fellow at Geneva Center for Security Sector Governance.
The debate was held in English and was introduced by Carmen Pérez González, vice-dean of International Relations and Academic Exchange at University Carlos III, and moderated by Cristina Manzano, director of esglobal.
After the meeting, the participating students from the University of Salamanca had three weeks to develop their projects individually following the instructions and according to the contest rules.