conferences and topics (2024)

Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla)

Artificial Intelligence has been growing exponentially and playing an increasingly important role in many aspects of human life. AI has demonstrated its ability to transform industries, improve efficiency in various areas and open up new possibilities in research. However, one of the most impactful and, at the same time, challenging aspects is the footprint AI is leaving in the security and defense domain. In a world characterized by the complexity of threats and the constant evolution of conflicts, AI has been able to develop military strategies and operations. Speaker William Marcelino will address this issue to ensure a balance between the transformative power of technology and the preservation of global security.


William Marcelino – Ponente Defensa y Yo 4.0
Senior Behavioral and Social Scientist: Professor of Policy Analytics, Pardee Rand Graduate School

Bill Marcellino is a senior behavioral scientist at RAND, a professor of political analysis at the Pardee RAND Graduate School, and a lecturer at Carnegie Mellon University and Johns Hopkins University. He trained as a sociolinguist and corpus linguist, and at RAND develops AI applications, including RAND-Lex, RAND’s proprietary text analysis suite. Marcellino teaches classes in text analysis and natural language processing (NLP), as well as qualitative research methods. His research focuses on information as a warfare function, the application and acquisition of AI technology for the Department of Defense, military resilience, and disinformation and conspiracy theories in social networks. He also helps lead RAND’s AI development in specialized LLM and LLM-enabled applications. He has also served as a U.S. Marine Corps tank officer and enlisted rifleman. Marcellino received his PhD in rhetoric from Carnegie Mellon University.

Manuel R. Torres Soriano
University Professor in the Area of Political Science and Administration at the Pablo de Olavide University of Sevilla

Manuel Torres has directed programs such as the Diploma of Specialization in Analysis of Jihadist Terrorism and the Master in Political Communication and Management of Electoral Campaigns. He teaches in several postgraduate programs on cybersecurity and terrorism. He has been a member of several advisory boards, including the European Counter- Terrorism Centre and the Real Instituto Elcano. His background includes research at universities such as Stanford, Johns Hopkins and Harvard, with a PhD in Political Science from the University of Granada. His areas of research include political violence, jihadist terrorism and cybersecurity. He has written several books, including “Al Andalus 2.0. La ciber-yihad contra España”, and received awards such as the Premio Defensa de Investigación and the Medalla de Bronce al mérito policial by the Mossos d’Esquadra- Policia de la Generalitat.