conferences and topics (2022)

Autónoma University (Madrid)

On Monday, March 7 at 10:30 am, a high-level event took place at the Autónoma University of Madrid with the participation of Wendy Sherman, US Deputy Secretary of State. This event is part of the Defensa y Yo 2.0 program, a project organized by the US Embassy in Spain and esglobal in collaboration with 16 Spanish universities, which seeks to disseminate the culture of defense and security among youth in the framework of the NATO summit in Madrid.

We counted with the participation of:

Wendy Sherman, Deputy Secretary of State of the United States.

Amaya Mendikoetxea, Rector of the Autónoma University of Madrid.

Eugenia Hernández Sánchez, Director of the Intelligence Analysis Unit (UNINT) at the Autónoma University of Madrid.

Cristina Manzano, Director of esglobal.

After the meeting, the participating students were able to ask questions to the Deputy Secretary of State.