contest winners (2021)

Alejandro Cano Bermudez
Universidad de Murcia
Grado de Ingeniería Informática
My name is Alejandro Cano Bermudez. I am a recent graduate in computer engineering at the University of Murcia. I am passionate about information technology, since I was a child I used to ask myself different questions about how the internet worked or how a computer worked, for me it was something magical. Over the years I was gradually learning more about the subject. My curiosity grew more and more, being the information security sector the one that attracted me the most. This led me to found and preside until today the cybersecurity club of the University of Murcia, to share concerns and create a channel to share them. I have participated in different platforms and talent contests in cybersecurity, being a national finalist in the league of challenges in cyberspace of the Civil Guard in its two editions, making the top 6 in the first edition and coming in third place in the second. Currently I work as a consultant and auditor in cybersecurity in Legitec Ciberseguridad S.L, in which I am also a partner and leader of the IT team. I have done different training related to the sector, among which are the CCNA Cyber Ops of Cisco, the NS4 of Fortinet, or internal auditor in ISO27001 with Bureau Veritas.
Personally, I am a casual and outgoing person, I love rock music and I play guitar in a band, among other hobbies such as video games or doing magic tricks. I am very grateful to Esglobal and the US Embassy for this opportunity to continue growing as a professional in the sector and as a person, and I am looking forward to meeting my colleagues and getting to know NATO’s cyber defense processes.
Ciberinteligencia en los procesos de digitalización
FrameWork CFA: Cybersecurity for all
Este proyecto parte de la base de mi trabajo de investigación de fin de grado, potenciado con las ideas que adquirí durante la sesión de debate: Ciberinteligencia en los procesos de digitalización. Trata de acercar la tecnología de vanguardia (Firewall de nueva generación NGFW/Antimalware EDR) a las PYMES, con una documentación guiada y un proceso de despliegue automatizado basado en tecnología Open Source y con unos requisitos hardware accesibles, encajando así con la necesidades técnico-económicas de las pequeñas y medianas empresas.