
María Pérez Peral

contest winners (2024) 2024 Universidad Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) 2024 Contest winners

Sofía de Teresa García

contest winners (2024) En el complejo entramado de las relaciones internacionales, las interacciones entre China, Rusia y la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte han sido objeto de escrutinio y

24 - Marina Puchal

Marina Puchal Mejías

contest winners (2024) In an era characterized by shifting geopolitical dynamics, the rise of China stands as a central for NATO allies. This essay explores the implications of China’s ascendance

Marta Vega Zájara

contest winners (2024) Description: My initiative pioneers a transformative multilingual AI platform, revolutionizing defense communication worldwide. By prioritizing accuracy, cultural insight, and real-time translation capabilities, the aim is to bridge linguistic

Luisa María Yamin

contest winners (2024) “The New Cold War” and Generation Z: This video aims to show the importance of Generation Z in alleviating US-China tensions, through a speech written by myself

Daniela Vázquez Manzanares

contest winners (2024) “You have the watches – we have the time” This saying was one frequently used by the Taliban when referring to the foreign forces they took on.