conferences and topics (2021)

Universidad del País Vasco (Bilbao)
This topic was analyzed in “Misinformation as a weapon”, the third of a cycle of debates within the contest Defensa y yo, which took place on 17th February at 17:00h, via Zoom Pro, due to health conditions.
These were the members composing the panel of experts:
John Spykerman, Russia team director at the US State Department’s Global Engagement Center.
Juan Carlos Miguel de Bustos, Audiovisual professor and Disinformation and fake news expert at the University of the Basque Country.
Noé Cornago, International Relations professor at the University of the Basque Country
The debate was held in English and was introduced by Simón Peña, professor at University of the Basque Country, and moderated by Cristina Manzano, director of esglobal.
After the meeting, the participating students from the University of Salamanca had three weeks to develop their projects individually following the instructions and according to the contest rules.