contest winners (2024)

Luisa María Yamin

Universidad Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)

My name is Luisa Yamin, I am 20 years old and I was born in Bogotá, Colombia. I started my university studies in Bogotá and, after two years, chose to transfer to Barcelona, Spain. From a young age, I have been deeply passionate about traveling, exploring new cultures, and understanding the dynamics of the global system. At the bare age of 14, I had the opportunity to study abroad in Australia for a few months, helping me open my mind and gain a deeper understanding of the world. Back in Colombia, I headed the press team at one of the country’s largest UN Model, for three consecutive years. These experiences helped motivate my desire to learn more about international affairs. As a result, I chose to pursue a degree in Global Studies, hoping to get an in-depth understanding of the complex international system.

"The New Cold War” and Generation Z

“The New Cold War” and Generation Z: This video aims to show the importance of Generation Z in alleviating US-China tensions, through a speech written by myself as a youth advocate. This work briefly explains the situation and its repercussions, while also providing feasible ways in which the youth can positively contribute to the current situation some regard as “The New Cold War”.